
SketchUp to Radiance Exporter

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maintained by tbleicher


Su2rad is a SketchUp plugin to export SketchUp scene geometry to the Radiance daylight simulation tool.

Radiance is a flexible and validated lighting simulation tool used in education, research and high-end daylight simulation tools. It is a suite of command line tools without graphical interface to easily prepare simulation models and setup and control the simulation process. SketchUp on the other hand is an easy to understand 3D modeling software with focus on the built environment and so the perfect front-end companion to Radiance. Su2rad provides the bridge between the two.

Extension Warehouse

Su2rad predates the SketchUp Extension Warehouse and so does not follow many of the requirements to be accepted as an extension to the warehouse. I am in the process of reorganizing the code structure to conform to the Extension Warehouse submission guidelines. In the meantime su2rad is available as an extension package for manual installation.

Manual Download and Install

Su2rad is distributed as a SketchUp extension in *.rbz format. You can download the latest version from the Github project releases page. Follow the download link for the *.rbz file and save the linked file to a local hard drive. Then use the SketchUp Extensions Manager to install the extension from the local file.

Support or Contact

If you run into trouble with the extension please check the project's issues tracker for similar problems that have been reported and solved before. If you still can't find an answer feel free to open a new issue or drop me a line via